Volume 7 (2006)
Entire Issue
Discovery: The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences - Volume 7 2006
Several Authors
Front Matter
Letter from the Dean
Gregory J. Weidemann
Evaluation of water-retention ability of eastern Arkansas prairie and agricultural soil
Maria L. Barrenechea and Kristofor R. Brye
Combined inhibitory effect of nisin with EDTA against Listeria monocytogenes in soy-protein edible coating on turkey frankfurters stored at 4°C and 10°C
Emily Bennett, T. Sivarooban, N. S. Hettiarachchy, and M. G. Johnson
Infiltration and short-term movement of nitrogen in a silt-loam soil typical of rice cultivation in Arkansas
Lindsay M. Copenhaver, Mary C. Savin, David M. Miller, Peter J. Tomlinson, Kristofor R. Brye, and Richard J. Norman
Effects of grain by-products as supplements for stocker cattle grazing bermudagrass
Tyler E. Davis, Elizabeth B. Kegley, Kenneth P. Coffey, Wayne K. Coblentz, Robin K. Ogden, and Pete Hornsby
Adventitious shoot propagation and cultural inputs in nursery production of a primocane-fruiting blackberry selection
Kimberley Dennis, John R. Clark, and James A. Robbins
Initial evaluation of novel preparations of Bordetella avium by determination of antibody response titers
Joel Gallagher, Stacy Higgins, Luc Berghman, and Billy Hargis
Effects of tank mixes of MON 3539 and selected compounds in RoundupReady Flex® cotton – 2005
Jarrod Hardke, Gus Lorenz, Kyle Colwell, and Craig Shelton
Water quality issues in the Illinois River watershed: A proposal for new voluntary incentives
Tory B. Hodges and Jennie S. Popp
Estimating surface runoff in the Illinois River Basin for the management of nonpoint-source phosphorus loads
Adam T. McClymont, Mary C. Savin, and Brian E. Haggard
A tool for estimating Best Management Practice effectiveness in Arkansas
Katherine R. Merriman, Margaret Gitau, and Indrajeet Chaubey
Drying of post-harvest rough rice with silica gel: A preliminary investigation
Stephen J. O'Brien and Terry J. Siebenmorgen
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
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