Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Poultry Science (MS)
Degree Level
Poultry Science
Hargis, Billy M.
Committee Member
Tellez, Guillermo
Second Committee Member
Bielke, Lisa R.
Chickens, Hatchability, In ovo, Marek's disease vaccine, Probiotic
It has previously been shown that effective probiotics can accelerate gut maturation and the development of a normal microflora in poultry. This results in increased resistance to enteric pathogens encountered by chicks early in life. Our objective in experiments 1 and 2 was to evaluate the effect of in ovo administration of FloraMax®-B11 (FM) on Marek’s disease (MD) herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) vaccine protective efficacy. In Exp. 1, day 18 White Leghorn embryos were randomly distributed in four groups, 1) HVT vaccinated, no MDV challenge, 2) HVT + FM vaccinated, no MDV challenge, 3) HVT vaccinated, challenge with virulent MDV, 4) HVT+ FM vaccinated, challenge with virulent MDV. Exp. 2 was designed the same as Exp. 1, except chicks were challenged with a very virulent MDV strain. There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in MD incidence between birds vaccinated with and without FM in the HVT vaccine. In Exp. 3 and 4, day 18 commercial broiler embryos were in ovo injected with either saline or FM to measure hatchability, microbiota composition, morphometric analysis, and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) infection in chickens. The administration of the probiotic did not negatively affect hatchability, but significantly reduced (P
Teague, K. D. (2017). In Ovo Evaluation of FloraMax-B11 on Marek's disease HVT Vaccine Protective Efficacy, Hatchability, Microbiota Composition, Morphometric Analysis, and Salmonella Enteritidis Infection in Broiler Chickens. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from