Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Adult and Lifelong Learning (EdD)

Degree Level



Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders


Kit Kacirek

Committee Member

Michael Miller

Second Committee Member

Greg Belcher


Architecture and Construction, Career and Technical Education, Professional Development, Technical Workshops


The purpose of this modified Delphi study was to identify the dominant technical competencies needed to effectively teach architecture and construction at the secondary and post-secondary level and to determine if there are differences of opinion among educators, recent graduates and business and industry personnel as to what those competencies should be.

At the time of publication, the menu of technical workshops offered by the Kansas Center for Career and Technical Education (KCCTE) was determined by the workshop administrator and the director of the KCCTE. To ensure that these workshops provide instructors with the knowledge and skills that align with industry needs, it was imperative to identify the changing technical competencies needed by members of the workforce and the instructors who prepare them. A three round Delphi study was conducted to identify the dominant technical competencies. Participants from the area of education, recent graduates and industry personnel were asked to provide a list of technical skills they perceived to be lacking as students moved from education to industry. A list of 23 technical competencies was created and participants rated each topic on level of importance. The top 15 topics were then selected and participants re-rated those topics based on their beliefs and the Mean rating of the group from the previous round. Some differences in levels of perceived importance was noted between groups. Seven technical competencies were rated highest in perceived level of importance by the three groups. This study provided a basis on which the KKCTE can act to develop appropriate technical workshops to meet the needs of architecture and construction teachers in the state of Kansas.
