Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences (PhD)
Degree Level
Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology
Wardlow, George W.
Committee Member
Johnson, Donald M.
Second Committee Member
Poncet, Aurelie M.
Third Committee Member
Koparan, Cengiz
Precision Agriculture; In-service Needs; High School Agriculture Teachers
Precision Agriculture (PA) entails the use of computer technology, including software and hardware, together with good agronomic practices to effectively utilize resources available to growers. PA may enhance profitability, sustainability, resilience, and efficiency when implemented successfully. The aim of this study was to identify, assess, and describe the PA in-service needs of selected high school agriculture teachers in Arkansas. Forty-four teachers participated in the study, recruited through convenience sampling during the annual Arkansas agriculture in-service workshop held at Camp Couchdale in July 2023. A survey instrument was developed, and all forty-four participants provided complete responses. The survey included twenty-nine PA competencies from seven PA technologies, along with selected community characteristics and PA barriers that might hinder teachers from integrating PA into their teaching. All participants perceived the twenty-nine competencies to be significantly important to include for high school instruction but felt their teaching proficiency in these areas was below average. Mean weighted discrepancy scores were used to identify areas requiring in-service training. GIS, soil sensing systems, UAVs, and RTK-GPS emerged as the top priority areas. The study identified barriers preventing participants from integrating PA competencies into their curriculum. The top identified barriers were lack of equipment, lack of curriculum materials, lack of personal PA knowledge and lack of In-service opportunities Additionally, it found significant correlations with community traits, such as growing on a row crop farm or managing, leasing, or owning one and PA in-service training.
Akwah, H. O. (2024). In-service Needs of Selected Arkansas Agriculture Teachers Related to Precision Agriculture Systems. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from