Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Degree Level



Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Balda, Juan C.

Committee Member

Zhao, Yue

Second Committee Member

Farnell, Chris

Third Committee Member

Wejinya, Uche C.


Electrical engineering; Power electronic converter; Magnetics design


The pursuit of high-power density and high switching frequency is a central theme in the advancement of power electronic converters. While these parameters offer significant benefits in terms of compactness and performance, they also introduce challenges related to efficiency and thermal management. This doctoral dissertation aims to provides a design framework to analyze the implications of high-frequency operation (> 100 kHz) on magnetics design and performance in power electronic converters, particularly when integrating silicon carbide (SiC) power modules. It examines the advantages and disadvantages of high-frequency operation and delves into its effects on the performance of the converter, focusing on the scalability of converters operating at high frequencies. The design framework aims to reduce computational workload by using customizable or commercially available magnetic cores adaptable across diverse frequency, power, and voltage ranges. It incorporates off-the-shelf SiC power modules to identify an optimal point of operating frequency aligned with magnetic design considerations while accounting for current derating associated with varying switching frequencies. Through experimental analysis, the study assesses the effects of high-frequency operation and explores trade-offs when utilizing SiC power modules by comparing different magnetic designs over a wide range of switching frequencies. The investigation underscores the importance of optimizing these designs to achieve higher efficiency and high-power densities without compromising performance.
