Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Level
Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders
Bowers, Lisa
Committee Member/Reader
Frazier, Kim
Committee Member/Second Reader
Guenther, Nicole
The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which early childhood professionals from various occupations perceive early childhood language development to be impacted by Sign Language. Early childhood specialists, including teachers, and, speech-language pathologists were asked to participate in this study. Of those asked to participate 79 responses were collected. An electronic questionnaire that included demographic information as well as questions about the contribution of sign language to language development was constructed from the literature. A questionnaire was electronically distributed using Survey Monkey. Findings showed that these early childhood specialist agreed sign language can be beneficial to language development in children.
Donoghue, E. C. (2014). Sign Language and Early Childhood Development. Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from