Shrinking the Classroom: Engaging Together in Learning

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rapport; engagement, Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support


What might happen if we can create a space in our classes where students feel excited, safe, eager to learn, and are connected with each other and us so we can learn together? Involved and enthusiastic participation and deep learning are worthy aspirations, so let’s explore these ideas and imagine together what might foster that potential. Professor Lorraine Brewer will focus on engaging and creating rapport with students in this presentation. Brewer says, “I want to stress how we can be engaged in the learning together, building those relationships that make the classroom a safe place to learn, an exciting place to learn, and an engaging atmosphere that deepens learning.” Brewer is a teaching legend on the University of Arkansas campus. She has been impacting students for over 45 years and has taught over 50,000 students. In her final semester teaching at the University of Arkansas she plans to throw open her playbook of teaching and share her best ideas with new faculty in their first two years of teaching at the University of Arkansas. Brewer has been awarded the Imhoff Teaching and Mentoring Award, the DiBrezzo Award for Service to Teaching, and the Fulbright Master Teaching Award amongst many other recognitions in her career. She currently teaches and engages students in Chemistry and Biochemistry in sections of 200 to 400 students but has taught in all sizes of classes. She is a former Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center Co-Director and is a member of the Teaching Academy.

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