Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





Ballentine, Hope

Committee Member

Cole, Claire


This study is a literature review that examines the characteristics of an effective hospice and palliative care nurse. The purpose of this study is to discover what qualities make a satisfactory hospice and palliative care nurse; therefore, characterizing it as a qualitative study. It is concluded that the following attributes are beneficial for a hospice and palliative care nurse: compassion, knowledge, confidence, and support. When delivering end-of-life care, a nurse should use therapeutic communication and be exemplary in handling grief. Compassion can be shown by active listening and acknowledging the patient’s and caregiver’s concerns. Being knowledgeable entails that the nurse is educated on the circumstance and takes the time to inform both the patient and caregivers of it as well. The nurse should be well versed in all that hospice and palliative care includes. Confidence will come to a nurse from education and experience, and results in the patient and caregivers feeling more comfortable with him or her because they believe the nurse is very capable of handling the situation. A nurse should be supportive of caregivers and coworkers during times of emotional distress. Working with dying patients is emotionally taxing and can lead to burnout, so hospice and palliative care nurses need to be resilient.


breastfeeding; breastfeeding support; nursing; baby friendly
