Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
research and development, multiple purpose reservoirs, water supplies, chemicals, sediments, water pollution, flood, surface water, ground water, water utilization, water balance, economics, water management, hydrologic data, groundwater recharge, limnology
The purpose of this study is to identify Arkansas’ water resources research needs against an economic backdrop of water supply and use conditions existing in the state. In the aggregate Arkansas has an abundance of high quality water relative to present use. There are local conditions that give rise to water problems, but, in general, critical water problems in Arkansas are emergent and potential rather than actual. The causes of these problems are to be found, in large part, in the economic, legal, and social institutions surrounding water use--and particularly in the economic institutions. Research designed to improve economic efficiency criteria and to develop methods of applying such criteria to water resources planning, to water resources allocation, and to quality of water control would do much to mitigate the problems of water management in the future. Research of this nature requires considerably more water data concerning supply, use, and costs associated with water use than are now available. Other promising areas of research include basic research on the nature of water and the water cycle, and applied research in areas of flood control, artificial recharge, the measurement of pollution damage and costs, the identification and treatment of pollution, the limnology of artificial lakes, and the role of water resources in industry location.
Sparks, Jared. 1967. Arkansas Water Resources: Supply, Use, and Research Needs. Arkansas Water Resource Center, Fayetteville, AR. PUB002. 106
Report Number