Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
Illinois River Watershed, Water Quality, Watershed Conditions, Upper White River Basin
Water chemistry can greatly influence the quality of surface waters and affect the ability for streams and rivers to meet their designated use(s). In Arkansas, many streams and rivers were placed on the 2008 303(d) list of impaired water bodies due to excess levels of nutrients, chlorides, sulfates, and sediments (ADEQ, 2008). These constituents continue to be listed as the potential cause for water‐quality impairments through the most recent draft 303(d) list (ADEQ, 2014). The Arkansas Non‐Point Source (NPS) Management Program wants to reduce poll‐ utant loading from the landscape and improve water quality, where funding for projects is targeted to priority watersheds throughout the State.
Scott, Erin E.; Simpson, Zach P.; and Haggard, Brian E.. 2016. Constituent Loads and Trends in the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Upper White River Basin. Arkansas Water Resource Center, Fayetteville, AR. MSC377. 89
Data Report MSC377
Report Number
The supplemental file is the water-date report that was used for data analysis and interpretation in this report.