Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Degree Level



Biological Sciences


Douglas, Marlis

Committee Member

Potra, Adriana

Second Committee Member

Gonzalez, Delmy


The Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu, is one of the most important game fishes in Arkansas. Three distinct lineages are recognized from different river basins: the Northern, Neosho, and Ouachita Smallmouth Bass. Understanding the biodiversity within this species complex inhabiting different water bodies in Arkansas is important for effective management of the fisheries resource and to guide conservation efforts. But current data on distribution of distinct forms are insufficient to guide management. The primary goals of the study presented here was to quantify morphological characteristics to identify distinct lineages of Smallmouth Bass, and to determine their specific locations within Arkansas streams and basins. Meristic counts of lateral line scales collected from 268 individual fish revealed significant differences among basins (Kruskal Wallace Rank Sum test H = 109.183, p < 0.00001). These findings can be applied to identify and distinguish distinct lineages of Smallmouth Bass in Arkansas, and thus are important for guiding conservation strategies.


meristic; morphology; small mouth bass

Available for download on Saturday, January 10, 2026
