Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Degree Level
Biological Sciences
Lewis, Jeffrey
Committee Member
Johanna, Thomas
Second Committee Member
Lessner, Dan
Third Committee Member
Fan, Chenguang
Organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae can regulate the mechanisms of proteins through post-translational modification. These modifications play a vital role in functional proteomic activity because they can regulate protein activity, localization, and interaction with other cellular molecules. Such modifications include phosphorylation, methylation, and acetylation. The metabolic mechanisms of yeast became of keen interest to our lab because our lab noticed many stress defense proteins were being acetylated during stress heat shock. Notably, Adh1p and Adh2p showed both an increase and a decrease in acetylation at two lysine residues (K315 and K314) overtime during heat shock respectively, though the exact function of this acetylation pattern is unknown. To determine the effect acetylation has on Adhp activity, I conducted growth mutations of mimetic strains at normal temperature and heat shock. By having a better understanding of this, my project may provide novel insights into how lysine acetylation affects the capability of yeast to adapt to heat shock. Adh is also conserved in other species, so learning new information about the Adh enzymes has implications for human disease and even pathogenesis.
Adh; Yeast; Heat shock; stress; acetylation; metabolism
Canonigo, J. (2021). How Acetylation Regulates Metabolic Enzyme Function During Environmental Shifts. Biological Sciences Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from