Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Degree Level



Chemical Engineering


Thoma, Greg

Committee Member/Reader

Hestekin, Jamie


The work done for this project is part of a larger “life cycle assessment (LCA) of novel electrochemical phosphorus recovery technology at the wastewater treatment plant and U.S. watershed scales” (Morrissey 2019). The goal of that LCA is to determine “environmental impacts of implementing electrochemical struvite recovery at the wastewater treatment plant, U.S watershed, and global scales” (Morrissey 2019). This project’s goal is to identify locations deemed more sensitive to eutrophication impacts. The results will be used as part of the life cycle inventory (LCI) accounting for geographically explicit phosphorus flows. The waters identified as impaired were sourced from the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of impaired waters. Geospatial data from the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Data Access Tool (NPDAT) was mapped in ArcGIS along with hydrological units from the Office of Water when necessary. ArcGIS Pro spatial analyst tools were used to perform hydrologic analysis on digital elevation models (DEM) from the USGS National Map. Facilities discharging phosphorus were identified inside these delineated watersheds. In total 1,699 facilities of significance were identified inside 451 individually delineated watersheds. These facilities should be targeted for phosphorus recovery and life cycle assessment.


Life Cycle Assessment, ArcGIS, phosphorous, geospatial, electrochemical, wastewater treatment
