Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Degree Level



Computer Science and Computer Engineering


Patitz, Matthew

Committee Member/Reader

Thompson, Dale

Committee Member/Second Reader

Jordan, Ammen


This project consists of the design and implementation of a tool to encourage greener commutes to the University of Arkansas. Trends in commuting of the last few years show a decline in not so environment-friendly commute modes. Nevertheless, ensuring that this trend continues is vital to assure a significant impact. The created tool is an automated report system. The report displays information about different commute options. A Google form allows users to submit report requests, and a web app allows the sustainability office to process them in batches. This system was built in the Apps Script platform. It implements several Google services to make directions requests, store data, and send emails. It is composed of 6 major classes, functional code, and templates. Customizability and low cost were the two most significant design considerations. The current implementation of the system allows changing the takeaways, system constants, and email body. Also, it is possible to process an estimate of 200 reports/day at no cost.
