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environmental sampling; experimental methods; diffusive boundary layer; hydrogels
Mass transport in diffusive gradients in thin-film passive samplers is restricted to diffusion through a gel layer of agarose or agarose cross-linked polyacrylamide (APA). The gel layer diffusion coefficient, DGel, is typically determined using a standard analysis (SA) based on Fick’s first law from two-compartment diffusion cell (D-Cell) tests. The SA assumes pseudo-steady-state flux, characterized by linear sink mass accumulation–time profiles with a typical threshold R2 ≥ 0.97. In 72 D-Cell tests with nitrate, 63 met this threshold, but the SA-determined DGel ranged from 10.1 to 15.8 × 10–6 cm2·s–1 (agarose) and 9.5 to 14.7 × 10–6 cm2·s–1 (APA). A regression model developed with the SA to account for the diffusive boundary layer had 95% confidence intervals (CIs) on DGel of 13 to 18 × 10–6 cm2·s–1 (agarose) and 12 to 19 × 10–6 cm2·s–1 (APA) at 500 rpm. A finite difference model (FDM) developed based on Fick’s second law with non-steady-state (N-SS) flux decreased uncertainty in DGel tenfold. The FDM-captured decreasing source compartment concentrations and N-SS flux in the D-Cell tests and, at 500 rpm, the FDM-determined DGel ± 95% CIs were 14.5 ± 0.2 × 10–6 cm2·s–1 (agarose) and 14.0 ± 0.3 × 10–6 cm2·s–1 (APA), respectively.
Hodges, S. D., Wahman, D. G., Haupert, L. M., Pham, H. T., Bozarth, M. K., Howland, M. B., & Fairey, J. L. (2023). Non-Steady-State Fickian Diffusion Models Decrease the Estimated Gel Layer Diffusion Coefficient Uncertainty for Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films Passive Samplers. Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (26), 9793-9801.
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