Volume 14 (2013)
Entire Issue
Discovery: The Student Journal of Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences - Volume 14 2013
Several Authors
Front Matter
Letter from the Dean
Michael Vayda
Influence of organic groundcovers on mycorrhizal colonization and symbiosis of organically managed fruit crops
Raven Anai Bough and Curt R. Rom
The influence of poultry litter biochar on early season cotton growth
Taylor D. Coomer, David E. Longer, Derrick M. Oosterhuis, and Dimitra A. Loka
Consumer perceptions of poultry production in Arkansas: Perceptions analysis
Stuart Estes and Leslie D. Edgar
Assessment of students’ crisis communications skill increase based on classroom instruction and Second Life™ training
Gregory C. Jernigan, Jessica R. England, and Leslie D. Edgar
Short-Term denitrification in the metalimnion of a eutrophic reservoir
Aki Kogo, Erin M. Grantz, and Thad Scott
The relationship between the first impression that dress creates and college students’ reactions toward it
Quang Ngo and Kathleen Smith
Nutrient contents, color, texture, and sensory evaluation of 12 Arkansas grown soybean cultivars in canned products
Quyen Nguyen, Navam Hettiarachchy, and Srinivas J. Rayaprolu
Evaluation of cover crops in high tunnel vegetable rotation
Tyler A. Patrick, Neal Mays, Jason McAfee, and Curt R. Rom
Awareness, use, and perceptions of biodiesel: A comparison of consumers in Belgium and the United States
Maggie Jo Pruitt, Leslie D. Edgar, and Donald M. Johnson
Characterization of seediness attributes of blackberry genotypes
Bethany Sebesta, John R. Clark, Renee T. Threlfall, and Luke R. Howard
Textural and sensory qualities of muffins prepared with fermented rice bran
Breeanna Williams, Navam Hettiarachchy, and Srinivas J. Rayaprolu
Herbicide-Resistant Soybeans in Arkansas: Lessons Learned and Future Direction
Amy May West, Raven Bough, Hayley Jernigan, Mike Norton, Katie Beth Thomas, Curt R. Rom, and Michael E. Vayda
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
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