Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Geology (MS)

Degree Level





Manger, Walter L.

Committee Member

Liner, Christopher L.

Second Committee Member

McGilvery, T.A. "Mac"


Earth sciences; Arkansas; Geology; Lithostratigraphy; Nomenclature; Paleozoic; Stratigraphy


The geology of Arkansas has been studied for nearly 160 years, and our understanding of it is continually evolving. Part of this ever-changing study is the nomenclature of the stratigraphy. From the early reports to today, several lithostratigraphic names have been proposed and abandoned to improve the accuracy and clarity of the understanding of Arkansas’ geology. Over these 160 years of study, 214 names have been proposed for the Paleozoic beds of Arkansas, with nearly 80 of them currently in use today. These names are a testimony and legacy of the history of Arkansas’ natural resource development and Arkansas’ geologists.

Compilations of the Paleozoic stratigraphic nomenclature of Arkansas have been few and far between, with the major publications being from the geologic maps of Arkansas (Miser and Stone, 1929; Haley et al., 1976, revised 1993), two Arkansas Geological Survey publications (Croneis, 1930a; McFarland, 1998, revised 2004), as well as U.S. Geological Survey lexicon publications (Wilmarth, 1938; Keroher et al., 1966; Cohee and Wright, 1976; Lutrell et al., 1981). This study compiles all Paleozoic lithostratigraphic nomenclature, including all abandoned names (indicated by a dagger symbol [†]), as well as both formal and informal names, excluding only the subsurface nomenclature. Some names have been found have conflicting usage between the Arkansas Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey (indicated by an asterisk [*]), requiring further clarification to reduce stratigraphic nomenclatorial problems.
