Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)
Degree Level
Electrical Engineering
Balda, Juan C.
Committee Member
Mantooth, H. Alan
Second Committee Member
Andrews, David L.
Third Committee Member
McCann, Roy A.
Electric distribution systems; Grid-connected equipment; Multilevel converters; Power electronics
The objective of this thesis is to present the context, application, theory, design, construction, and testing of a proposed solution to unbalanced current loading on three-phase four-wire systems. This solution, known as the Medium-Voltage Unbalanced Current Static Compensator or MV-UCSC, is designed to recirculate currents between the three phases of adistribution system. Through this redistribution of the currents negative- and zero-sequence current components are eliminated and a balanced load is seen upstream from the point of installation. The MV-UCSC as it operates in the distribution system is presented followed by its effect on traditional compensation equipment. The construction of the MV-UCSC as well as 13.8 kV simulations are then shown. Development of the switching positions required by the MVUCSC is then given followed by a variation on this switching position with the intent to reduce part count. Finally, the testing the 13.8 kV three-phase four-wire, neutral-point-clamped, elevenlevel, flying-capacitor-based MV-UCSC connected directly to the grid is presented.
Jones, V. (2020). Developing A Medium-Voltage Three-Phase Current Compensator Using Modular Switching Positions. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from
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