Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)
Degree Level
Electrical Engineering
McCann, Roy A.
Committee Member
Luo, Fang
Second Committee Member
Wu, Jingxian
Contingency Analysis; FACTS Devices and Voltage Stability; QV Modal Analysis; Steady-State Voltage Stability; Voltage Security; Wind-dominated power system; Wind Power
Climate change is a menace to the existence of the world and policymakers are trying totackle this phenomenon by deploying large-scale wind farms into their grids. Among them, wind energy shows a promising future to substitute the traditional power plants. However, the deployment of these wind farms into the grid is not a panacea that does not pose any challenges to the grid operators. Keeping the power system voltage stable while considering the strength of the transmission grid is among the major challenges facing by the transmission system operators. Amid normal operation and fault conditions, wind farms should help the grid in reactive power supply according to the grid codes to ride through the fault. In doing so, during fault conditions or heavy loading conditions, the voltage of the power system will not deteriorate. A wind farm, most of the time, is incapable to meet the grid codes requirements without reactive power support. For the compensation of the reactive power deficit, FACTS devices are extensively used. The most popular FACTS devices used by electric utilities are, STATCOM, SVC, SSSC, TCSC, and UPFC. In this work, attention is given to the amelioration of transient stability in wind-dominated power systems via STATCOM and SSSC. Furthermore, a systematic approach to locate large wind power plants to an existing transmission grid is developed by combining the QV-modal analysis, Q-V curves, and P-Q method. The steady-state voltage stability at different wind power penetration levels is investigated while considering the weakest and the strongest region of the power system. The P-Q region method is used to size the wind farm in each scenario. The reliability of the system is verified from the worst contingencies with the wind farm connected at the most vulnerable bus of the system in reactive power capability. The system considered for testing is the modified IEEE 14 bus system.
Dorile, P. O. (2021). Grid Strength Assessment Trough Q-V Modal Analysis and Maximum Loadability of a Wind-Dominated Power System Using P-Q Regions. Graduate Theses and Dissertations Retrieved from
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