Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology (MA)

Degree Level



Psychological Science


Lauren Quetsch

Committee Member

Dr Valandra

Second Committee Member

Tim A Cavell


autism spectrum disorder;barriers;Black families;culture;treatment


Numerous barriers to diagnostic and treatment access are present for families concerned their child might have autism spectrum disorder (ASD; e.g., long waitlists, limited specialized providers). However, Black families of autistic youth may experience additional racial barriers (e.g.., racial microaggressions, perceived stigma) due to the intersectionality of their child's disorder and their identity as Black Americans, a group that is systematically minoritized in the United States. Despite the importance of early identification and intervention, little research has documented how these barriers to treatment participation may impact perceived treatment effectiveness, treatment satisfaction, and stress among Black families of autistic youth. This proposed study explored the role race-related, structural, and practical barriers to treatment participation play in treatment effectiveness and satisfaction among Black families with autistic youth. Findings from this project will help contribute knowledge essential to creating a healthcare system that is responsive to minority groups and addresses the needs of the Black community.
