Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Journalism (MA)

Degree Level





Sisi Hu

Committee Member

Brandon Bouchillon

Second Committee Member

Molly Rapert


Influencer Marketing; Parasocial; Purchase Intention


Scholars have studied different factors that contribute to a parasocial interaction theory, and how this relates to purchase intention in the marketing industry. Previous research concentrates on parasocial interactions between television personalities and consumers, rather than influencers on social media. It is important to determine exactly what factors lead consumers to create a parasocial interaction with influencers in the media and determine how that parasocial interaction mediates purchase intention. Influencer marketing on Instagram is included in this study, as it contains brand-sponsored posts and allows users to interact with each other. This study utilizes the parasocial interaction model to determine if perceived similarities, perceived physical and social attractiveness, and perceived authenticity of the influencer will increase a parasocial interaction, and if that parasocial interaction mediates purchase intention. This study is significant to the advertising industry and influencers on social media, to better enhance their brand and marketing strategies. Through a comprehensive questionnaire about social media usage and influencer marketing, this study of 143 Instagram users and influencer advertisement purchasers was able to associate perceived similarities, perceived physical and social attractiveness, and perceived authenticity with purchase intention through a parasocial interaction.
