Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Art (MFA)

Degree Level





Neil Callander

Committee Member

David Andree

Second Committee Member

Jody Thompson

Third Committee Member

Adam Posnak


ceramics; color; drawing; painting; studio art; visual art


This narrative depicts a caricature of the human experience through the eyes of my alter- ego character, Pepper Plinkett. Pepper is a symbol of my personal philosophies of what it means to be human, and serves as a protagonist and guide through an infinite, ambiguous natural world. This exhibition is a celebration of the vibrancy, curiosity, and ridiculousness of a lifetime. The uniqueness of humor as a specifically human trait and its use as a tool of communication, particularly in expressing authenticity, is the driving force behind my use of clowns in my work. I take an absurdist approach to the analysis of human nature and history, reviving historical clichés and twisting them into commentary about the ludicrousness of existence. I am concerned with evolution at all stages, from biology’s gradual changes over millennia to my own personal evolution as an artist and individual. The exploration of cycles (life, behavior, taste, expression, and experience) is of great interest to me in my studio. Influenced by lowbrow pop-surrealism and contemporary culture as much as art historical canons, I conflate antiquity and modernity into a world of playful timelessness.
