Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Art (MFA)

Degree Level





Rebecca A. Drolen

Committee Member

Henry Gepfer

Second Committee Member

Maryamsadat Amirvaghef

Third Committee Member

Acadia Kandora


Art; Body; Mental Health; Printmaking; Satire; Women


Sincerely is a compilation of diaristic narratives depicted through the lens of a distorted reality. This distortion is manifested through the influence of social norms placed on me and my gendered experience of this world. The stories I tell through my work deal with the mind, body and daily life. My images within this body of work are sourced from my written journal, and creating a visual diary. I provide a space of relatability for the viewer to feel seen and not alone through the discussion of personal experiences that are both unique and not unique to myself. The work is created using a multifaceted visual system using various processes and materials. This visual system pulls together different techniques and processes that tell my stories through complex, layered imagery. Material such as foil, oil ink, water based materials and ceramic allow for a wide range of textures, forms and surfaces that are used to help support conceptual elements that are being discussed. Storytelling techniques from the early aughts media and comics are used to create lighthearted, humorous and playful imagery. The playful mood within the images is juxtaposed by the heavy themes within the artwork. This mirrors my own life, using humor and lightheartedness to cope with daily struggles.
