Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)

Degree Level



School of Social Work


Kimberly Stauss

Committee Member

John M. Gallagher

Second Committee Member

Ananda Rosa


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Trauma-informed yoga; University students


Traumatic experiences affect female identifying folks at an unequal rate compared to other populations. Trauma-informed yoga (TIY) has become a popular intervention for treatment of symptoms related to trauma. By utilizing tenets such as meditation, intentional movement, and trauma-informed language and positioning, this practice focuses on the mind-body-connection to establish feelings of safety. Although trauma education and interventions are becoming commonly implemented on college campuses, there is a gap in implementation and empirical studies evaluating such campus programs. To explore how TIY could aid this population, a four-week yoga intervention was created. Four participants engaged in a weekly TIY class taught by a certified instructor. A pre- and post- test assessment was administered to measure participants' trauma symptoms. Participants shared their thoughts on the intervention through semi-structured interviews at the end of the study. Although quantitative findings were not significant, data showed promise towards the effectiveness of similar future interventions with a larger sample size. Additionally, qualitative data suggests that participants experienced an increase in mind-body-connection, increased feelings of safety, and increased sense of community. Research limitations, suggestions for future implementation of TIY, and practice implications are also discussed.
