Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Agricultural & Extension Education (MS)

Degree Level



Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology


William Doss

Committee Member

K. Jill Rucker

Second Committee Member

Casandra Cox


Agricultural education; FFA; Professional development; Teacher training


Agricultural education plays a pivotal role in preparing students for careers in the ever-evolving field of agriculture. This study investigates the professional development and training needs of school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teachers in the context of research SAE projects and participation in FFA agriscience fair competitions. Through a comprehensive literature review and empirical inquiry, this study aims to identify teachers' confidence levels, perceived importance of tasks, professional development needs and barriers hindering student and teacher involvement in these activities. The research objectives were structured to address key aspects of SBAE teacher preparedness and student engagement. Findings reveal areas where teachers feel confident and where professional development is needed, shedding light on strategies to enhance teacher support and student participation. Barriers to engagement are explored, alongside recommendations for overcoming these obstacles and fostering inclusive agricultural education environments. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through a survey with SBAE teachers, providing insights into the complexities of integrating research SAE projects and agriscience fair participation into curriculum and instruction. By addressing the identified needs and challenges, this research seeks to contribute to the enhancement of agricultural education programs, ultimately fostering the development of skilled and empowered agricultural professionals who can address the complex challenges facing their industry.
