Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Agricultural Economics (MS)

Degree Level



Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness


Alvaro Durand-Morat

Committee Member

Brandon R. McFadden

Second Committee Member

Michelle Chevelev-Bonatti


Biofortification; Colombia; Consumer preferences; Experimental auction; Willingness to pay; Zinc


Hidden hunger, a form of undernourishment caused by micronutrient deficiencies, remains a critical global challenge affecting billions worldwide. Biofortification of staple crops, such as rice, offers a promising solution to address this problem. However, changes in the physical and culinary characteristics due to biofortification may hinder consumer acceptance and limit the benefits of this approach. This research explores consumer preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for zinc-biofortified rice in Cartagena, Colombia. A non-hypothetical experimental auction, including 400 consumers in five different locations within Cartagena, was conducted to analyze the impact of information, socioeconomic factors, and consumer nutrition knowledge on WTP for zinc-biofortified rice. The results indicate that zinc-biofortified rice is priced as a premium-quality rice relative to other rice market alternatives, highlighting that the high zinc content did not affect the sensory characteristics of the rice. The information treatment about either the “Benefits of zinc-biofortified rice” or the “Problems of zinc deficiency” had a positive impact on the WTP for zinc-biofortified rice, which was reinforced by participants' nutrition knowledge. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to address malnutrition effectively, as well as retail companies hoping to market biofortified staple crops to vulnerable populations.
