Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Art (MFA)

Degree Level





Bree McMahon

Committee Member

Ryan Slone

Second Committee Member

Gaby Hernandez


Emergency Setting; Health Literacy; Internal Displacement; Menstrual Hygiene Management; Nigeria; Women's Health


Nigeria’s humanitarian crisis has led to prolonged internal displacement, with many people forced to flee their homes due to armed conflict and communal violence. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) number in the millions and face numerous challenges that leave them vulnerable. Among those affected are menstruators, who face unique challenges related to managing menstruation in these dire circumstances. Despite significant research on various aspects of life within Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps, there remains a notable gap in addressing menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in this space. This study focuses on understanding and enhancing health literacy of MHM through a life-centered embodied system of products and information in Wassa IDP Camp in Abuja, FCT, Nigeria. By emphasizing collaboration, dialogue, equity, empathy, learning, diversity, and sustainability, this research strived to explore MHM challenges within the Wassa IDP camp. This research delves into the barriers menstruators face and the potential impact of design to foster understanding, consider cultural factors, and promote gender equity through tailored and ample information. Many factors were considered in this work, including community-centered approaches, cultural sensitivity, and continuous learning to promote dignity, health, and well-being. This research makes evidence-based recommendations to improve health literacy MHM practices and policies using mixed methodologies, including a literature review, interviews, health impact assessments, cultural analysis, case studies, and program evaluation. These recommendations can benefit IDP community members and leadership, policymakers, humanitarian organizations, and designers/educators, contributing to broader efforts to address the complex challenges displaced populations face.


Complete thesis uploaded as supplementary file.
