Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)

Degree Level



Civil Engineering


Cameron D. Murray

Committee Member

Michelle Barry

Second Committee Member

Micah Hale


BCSA soil-cement; Erosion BCSA soil-cement; rapid setting soil-cement; soil-cement BCSA


The research discusses the vulnerable condition of hydraulic structures, specially dams and levees located in the United States, structures that are often times made of earthfill material and that have been greatly impacted by recent flood events. The need for a rapid setting material for active flood fighting efforts is inarguable, in order to mitigate collateral expenses caused by the often long closure times when repair is taking place, especially when dewatering is necessary. Therefore, this research tested different proportions of cement in soil-cement mixtures at varying moisture contents with the interest of evaluating the performance of the soil-cement when substituting ordinary portland cement for belitic calcium sulfoaluminate (BCSA) cement, a rapid setting, low shrinkage, and more sustainable cement. The performance and durability of the material was measured by testing compressive strengths and testing the erosion resistance using a hole erosion test device developed at the University of Arkansas during this project.
