Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences (PhD)

Degree Level



Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences


Jill Rucker

Committee Member

Ron Warren

Second Committee Member

Will Doss


Agricultural Communications; Qualitative Research; Research Methods; Rigor; Theory


This dissertation offers a deep dive into the evolving landscape of qualitative research within the field of agricultural communications. Through a trio of research articles, this research critically assesses the application of theories, methodologies, and standards for quality across studies published in six disciplinary journals from 2003 to 2023. The first manuscript explores the theoretical frameworks guiding qualitative research in agricultural communications, uncovering a diverse but scattered theoretical underpinning with Framing, Diffusion of Innovations, and Uses and Gratifications Theory emerging as the most prevalent. The second manuscript meticulously examines the methodologies employed, revealing a growing acceptance and application of qualitative approaches, albeit with ongoing challenges related to research quality and consistency. The third manuscript evaluates the standards of rigor, indicating a need for enhanced clarity and application of qualitative research standards within the discipline. The collective findings illuminate the current state of qualitative research in agricultural communications, characterized by a theoretical diversity yet marked by inconsistencies in methodology application and rigor standards. This research highlights the discipline's progression towards a more reflective and methodologically diverse future while identifying areas for further improvement. It calls for a concerted effort to refine qualitative research practices, advocate for clearer theoretical and methodological articulation, and uphold rigorous standards of quality to advance the field. This dissertation not only serves as a comprehensive assessment of the state of qualitative inquiry in agricultural communications but also as a roadmap for future research endeavors aimed at enhancing the discipline's theoretical and methodological foundation.
