Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Poultry Science (PhD)

Degree Level



Poultry Science


Coon, Craig N.

Committee Member

Frank, Malea

Second Committee Member

Maxwell, Charles V.


Body composition; Broiler Breeder; Calcium; Lipid Turnover; Protein Turnover; Strontium


Broiler breeder performance is based upon egg production. Breeders are reared from day of hatch to ovulation with the main goal of controlling body weight. Maintaining body weight in breeders is highly emphasized prior to first egg as to reach optimum peak production feeding increases dramatically to meet energy needs. Energy is supplied to the breeder in three forms carbohydrates (fast energy), protein (medium energy), and fat (slow energy). Carbohydrates are quickly used by the breeders, while protein is constantly being utilized by the breeder for growth and egg production, fat is stored and used lastly as the energy requirements exceed protein turnover’s ability to meet these requirements. Protein turnover (synthesis and degradation) works constantly to supply energy for the breeder to grow, produce eggs, and complete maintenance within the breeder. Protein turnover is not enough to supply energy to meet every metabolic energy need in the breeder consistently for extended periods of high energy strain, thus lipid turnover supports protein turnover during extended periods of energy strain. Lipid turnover is an evaluation of triglyceride synthesis and degradation in the breeder. Lipid turnover is extremely slow, synthesis of triglycerides occurs at very low rates and requires long period to build up reservoirs of energy. Degradation of fat is a last resort for the breeder to supply energy to perform, due to the slow nature of lipid mobilization it requires time for the breeder to begin utilization of fat. Protein and lipid turnover working in tandem with one another can generate increased energy to meet egg production. Energy is important for the breeder to be able to do the work required for egg production, but good egg quality is necessary for reproduction of chicks. To produce eggs of good quality multiple minerals are needed, of this calcium is one of these important minerals. Calcium is provided in the diet from young ages and is an essential mineral for skeletal development and maintenance of the pullet. As calcium is continuously supplied to the breeder over long periods of time prior to egg production the body has the ability to store it for utilization at a later time. Calcium mobilization concentrations can be altered to increase or decrease the available calcium for egg production. Along with multiple other minerals, tracing the calcium being given to the breeder from day of hatch to the output of calcium in eggshells evaluates when breeders are altering concentration levels of minerals to support increased egg production, growth, and maintenance of the body.
