Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (MFA)

Degree Level





Bryan M. Hurt

Committee Member

Toni L. Jensen

Second Committee Member

Padma Viswanathan


Blood; Bubbe; Levi


As You Lay There in Your Blood is a novel consisting of six interconnected stories, as well as a novella. The novel follows Levi Sterne, a Jewish bodybuilder in rural Colorado, who deals with issues surrounding mental illness, family history, and the legacy of trauma. The novel explores themes of religion—particularly contemporary modes and forms of Judaism—as well as the relationships people develop from traumatic and difficult pasts. The novel follows Levi from his childhood and details the moment at which, at age 15, he’s abandoned by his mother. The stories then follow other important moments in Levi’s life, including his marriage and divorce, the birth of his daughter, and his eventual crime and prison sentence. Two of the stories also follow members of Levi’s family, namely his mother and his daughter, in order to follow the full path of the Sterne family. Each character in As You Lay There in Your Blood has a fraught relationship with the protagonist, Levi, and the novel demonstrates the lengths people will go to preserve their perceived connections with the people that they love. The novel is written primarily in first person, from Levi’s perspective, showcasing his voice and his perspective on the events of his life. The stories about his family are written in third person, which demonstrates the narrative distance explored in their connections to Levi. The novel also contains epigraphs which describe and demonstrate Levi’s states of mind at the beginning of each of the stories. By interlinking six stories and the novella, the novel shows, through its structure, the ways in which disparate and tangentially connected events can have physical and emotional ramifications even decades later.

Available for download on Saturday, July 18, 2026

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