One Year Longer

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (MFA)

Degree Level





Toni L. Jensen

Committee Member

Bryan M. Hurt

Second Committee Member

Jen Fawkes


Dystopia; Feminist dystopia; Feminist Literature; Fiction


In this evolving dystopian world, three generations of women face distinct life challenges, providing readers a unique perspective on women's rights and the choices they're forced to make. In contemporary America, Victoria refuses to stand by as women's autonomy diminishes. She founds covert networks, rallying women nationwide in a birth boycott, igniting a revolution against tightening anti-abortion laws. 12 years later, the Women's Protest has spread internationally and The Birthing Sanction--a law that allows for childbirth by any means necessary--is put into effect. But Victoria's daughter Gloria remains indifferent to her mother's movement. Instead, she lives a comfortable life in Seattle, focused on her work but a surprise pregnancy forces Gloria to confront the issues she's been avoiding, navigate personal desires against societal expectations, and discover the resilient legacy of her mother's work. Lastly, in a distant future where life underground is the new normal for most women, Gloria's daughter Ember grows up in the Paris Catacombs. Her world is one of strict control and limited knowledge under the guise of protection. However, her curiosity leads to a treasure trove of knowledge when she finds her mother's old room—a hidden reservoir of literature and memories. She learns about the world above and this newfound awareness ignites a determination in Ember to break free and join the fight. Culminating in a beacon of hope for womankind, the three generations unite as the tides turn in Australia with women seizing control there. They hope to rebuild, not just for themselves, but for all women, showcasing the indomitable spirit of womanhood against all odds.

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