Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences (PhD)

Degree Level





Celina Suarez

Committee Member

Glenn Sharman

Second Committee Member

Phillip Hays

Third Committee Member

Amelia Villaseñor

Fourth Committee Member

Emese Bordy


Carbon; Chemostratigraphy; Climate change; Paleoclimate; Stable isotope


Understanding the intricate relation between carbon-cycle perturbations, climate change, and biodiversity stability is crucial in the face of ongoing anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions. This thesis explores the impacts of rapid climate change induced by carbon-cycle perturbations and their potential repercussions on global climate. Large igneous provinces, particularly the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, offer a lens through which to examine the nexus of volcanic activity, mass extinctions, and climate change. The emplacement of Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, covering vast regions across continents, emitted substantial amounts of carbon dioxide, profoundly impacting global climate and ecosystems. The end-Triassic Mass Extinction, attributed to Central Atlantic Magmatic Province emplacement, is evident in the lithologic record of the Elliot Formation in southern Africa and Lesotho. The Elliot Formation serves as a proxy for modern anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions, facilitating predictions about future climate changes. Through stable isotope geochemistry and paleontological analyses, the Elliot Formation provides valuable data to test hypotheses regarding the effects of Central Atlantic Magmatic Province volcanism on the global carbon cycle, paleoclimate, and biodiversity. Moreover, this thesis proposes an integrated teaching exercise that immerses students in real-world paleoclimate data collection and analysis, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By bridging research findings with educational applications, this exercise enhances climate literacy and aligns with educational standards. This interdisciplinary approach sheds light on deep-time climate change, offering insights into past events and informing future climate projections. Further research and analysis will refine our understanding of the Elliot Formation and its relevance in the context of global climate change, aiding in the development of effective mitigation and adaptation strategies for the future.

Included in

Geochemistry Commons
