Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Poultry Science (MS)

Degree Level



Poultry Science


Graham, Danielle

Committee Member

Weimer, Shawna

Second Committee Member

Hargis, Billy M.

Third Committee Member

Liu, Jundi


Broiler chicken; Enterococcus cecorum; Hatch cabinet; Horizontal transmission; Lesions


Enterococcus cecorum (EC) has primarily been associated with osteomyelitis and lameness in older chickens. The recent emergence of pathogenic EC causing morbidity and mortality in young broiler chicken flocks requires further investigation. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a model to simulate horizontal transmission of virulent EC during the hatching phase in small scale hatchet cabinets. The model will be used to investigate novel pre- and post-hatch strategies to mitigate EC infections in young broiler chickens. The current thesis contains four chapters. Chapter I includes the thesis introduction. A literature review focusing on EC-associated disease in chickens, with a focus on transmission and virulence attributes, has been provided in Chapter II. Chapter III provides a summary of the EC horizontal transmission model development and effect of exposure to virulent EC during the hatching phase on colonization, macroscopic lesions, and early performance in broiler chickens. Lastly, Chapter IV contains the thesis conclusion.

Available for download on Friday, September 12, 2025
