Looking for Theses and Dissertations?
Many theses and dissertations are now housed within ScholarWorks. Check here first for materials from approximately 2012 to present, though some materials may date back to 2009.
Otherwise, master's theses and doctoral dissertations can be found by searching OneSearch (the libraries' catalog) for author, title, or subject by clicking the box underneath the OneSearch search box on the Libraries' homepage before you search, or by clicking the filter Material Type: Dissertations in the left hand column on the OneSearch search results page after you search.
You can also search by department or faculty advisor in the keyword search; examples:
- advisor gawley robert and synthesis
- dept physics and lasers
Note that recently completed dissertations and theses first go to ProQuest. It may take several weeks for dissertations and theses to be added to ScholarWorks and even longer for their addition to the library catalog.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Hydroponic and Soilless Culture Systems and Transplant Practices Influence Production of Basil (Omicum basilicum L.), Samuel Warren Edward Doty
The Attracting Intelligent Minds Conference: An Assessment of Graduate Diversity Recruitment, Alfred T. Dowe
Dissecting the Cellular Control of Septin Organization in a Global Cereal Killer, Nawaraj Dulal
An Exploration of Faculty with Disabilities in Social Work Programs, Kelly Dundon
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Drought Resistance and Productivity Traits of Rice Genotypes, Yheni Dwiningsih
Quantifying the Simultaneous Effect of Socio-Economic Predictors and Build Environment on Spatial Crime Trends, Alfieri Daniel Ek
Examining Pathogenesis and Preventatives in Spontaneous and Staphylococcus-Induced Bacterial Chondronecrosis with Osteomyelitis in Broilers, Nnamdi Simon Ekesi
Phenotypic Plasticity of Japanese Medaka Gill in Response to Changing Salinities, Laura V. Ellis
Design and Optimization of Multichip GaN Module Enabling Improved Switching Performance, Asif Imran Emon
Associations of Sex, Gender, and Gender Role Beliefs with Mental Health Attitudes, Ariel Erazo
The Moderating Role of Supply Network Centralities: Three Essays of Institutional Environments and Firm Performance, Ellie Falcone
An Experimental Investigation of Liquid Hydrocarbons in a Simulated Titan Environment, Kendra Farnsworth
Newsroom Convergence in a College Journalism School: Are Students Prepared for a Job?, Travis Feltner
Design of a 350 kW Silicon Carbide Based 3-phase Inverter with Ultra-Low Parasitic Inductance, Matthew Feurtado
Gut Feeling, Shelby Fleming
Always on the Clock, Patrick Font
The Effects of Multiple Stressors on Stream Communities: The Convergence of Drought, Nutrient Pollution, and Invasive Species, Robert Joseph Fournier III
Landscapes of Danger: A Geospatial Analysis of Perceived and Realistic Risk in Bryce Canyon National Park, Tia Francis
Increasing Female Enrollment in High School Computer Science Education, Zenovia Brown Frazier
Relationship Marketing and Intercollegiate Sport Promotion, Alison Fridley
Teacher Turnover and Teacher Retirement, Dillon Fuchsman
Baby Boomers in Technology-Rich Environments: Using PIAAC to Study the Association of Workplace Learning with Technology Competency, Julie M. Galliart
A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Biofuels, Teresa Cristina Garcia
Glut and Guzzle, Ashley Kay Gardner
Study of a Symmetrical LLC Dual-Active Bridge Resonant Converter Topology for Battery Storage Systems, John K. George
The Effect of EPA and DHA on Skeletal Muscle Physiology and Energy Balance, Saeed Jebor Ghnaimawi
The Discovery of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin Isolates from Arkansas and their Pathogenicity to Amblyomma americanum L., Austin Goldsmith
Essays On Information Technology Product Strategies And The Evolution Of Information Systems Research, Soheil Goodarzi
A Spatial Analysis of Student Safety and Perception, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, Casey Goodman
Impacts of Postharvest Temperature Exposure Profiles on Rice Physicochemical Properties, Seth Graham-Acquaah
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Writing Achievement for Native High School Students, Angelia Christine Greiner
Determination of Critical Y-leaf Potassium Concentrations across Reproductive Growth Stages for Direct-Seeded Delay-Flooded Rice, Chandler Edwin Gruener
Investigating the potential of Sodium Butyrate to Control Salmonella Enteritidis in Poultry, Anamika Gupta
Perceptions of Help-Seeking Likelihood for Depression: Examining the Relative Predictive Value of Ethnicity and Barriers to Care, Linda Esperanza Guzman
Degree of Conservation of Methionines Found to be Oxidized in the Human Urinary Proteome, Alexis Hall
When Down Looks Like Up: Self-Deceptive Self-Handicapping, Kyle T. Hallam
The Defense of Principates: The English Appropriation of Marsilius of Padua's 'Defensor Pacis', Nathan Harkey
Evidence-based Social-Emotional Learning and its Influence on Teachers’ Perception of Student Behavior: An analysis of RULER and the Anchors of Emotional Intelligence, Brent B. Harrington
Developing a High-Throughput Method to Screen Soybean Germplasm for Hypoxia Tolerance in Hydroponic Systems, Derrick Harrison
A Macroevolutionary View on Extinction in Aves, Chiroptera, and Odonata, Peter Hasik
Dietary Regulation of Successful Aging, Aubree L. Hawley
Evaluation of the Arkansas Double Up Food Bucks Program, Colton G. Henderson
Providence Lost: Natural and Urban Landscapes in H. P. Lovecraft's Fiction, Dylan Henderson
Comparison of a T-trellis and a Rotating Cross-Arm Trellis for Arkansas Blackberry Production, Erika Henderson
New Flesh Cinema: Japanese Cyberpunk-Body Horror and Cinema as Catharsis in the Age of Technology, Sarah Henry
Earthworm dynamics in tallgrass prairies in the Ozark Highlands region of northwest Arkansas, Carlee Hensley