Looking for Theses and Dissertations?
Many theses and dissertations are now being housed within ScholarWorks. Check here first for materials from approximately 2012 to present, though some materials date back to 2009.
Otherwise, master's theses and doctoral dissertations can be found by searching OneSearch (the libraries' catalog) for author, title, or subject by clicking the box underneath the OneSearch search box on the Libraries' homepage before you search, or by clicking the filter Material Type: Dissertations in the left hand column on the OneSearch search results page after you search.
You can also search by department or faculty advisor in the keyword search; examples:
- advisor gawley robert and synthesis
- dept physics and lasers
Note that recently completed dissertations and theses go first to ProQuest. It may take several weeks for dissertations and theses to be added to ScholarWorks and even longer for their addition to the library catalog.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Testing an Attribution Model of Caregiving in a Latino Sample: The Role of Familismo and the Caregiver-Care Recipient Relationship, Bianca Teresa Villalobos
Performance of the Role of Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, William Justin Walker
Electrical Design Considerations and Packaging of Power Electronic Modules, Shijie Wang
Performance of the Role of Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire", Shannon Leigh Webber
Tin Sensitization For Electroless Plating, Xingfei Wei
The Word Problem for the Automorphism Groups of Right-Angled Artin Groups is in P, Carrie Anne Whittle
Winter Burial, Corrie Williamson
New Effects of Aging and Lattice Intercalation on Surface Properties of Titanate Nanobelts, Roger Williams
A Comparison of Nebulized Vitamin B12 Versus Oral Vitamin B12 Supplementation, Terry L. Williams Jr.
Resources and Relationships: Food Insecurity and Social Capital Among Middle School Students, Don Edward Willis
Load Mixing to Improve Container Utilization, Crystal Wilson
Dropping Out in Southeast Kansas: Why Students Leave School Early, Garon Kent Wire
Subsurface Stratigraphy and Characterization of Mississippian (Osagean to Meramecian) Carbonate Reservoirs of the Northern Anadarko Shelf, North-Central Oklahoma, Brett Robert Wittman
Environmental Literacy of Sixth Grade Students in Arkansas: Implications for Environmental Education Reform, Lisa Suzanne Wood
Device Characterization and Compact Modeling of the SiGe HBT in Extreme Temperature Environments, Beth Olivia Woods
An Analysis of Intradistrict Funding Equity in Rural and Urban School Districts, James Lynn Woodworth
Studies on the Structure and Pathogens of the Small Hive Beetle (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), Natasha A. Wright
Initial Fine Mapping of the Spinach Downy Mildew Resistance Locus RPF1, Wei Yang
Physiological Effects of Low Mowing Heights, Rolling, and Foot Traffic on Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens, Joseph Ronald Young
Landscape Epidemiology and Machine Learning: A Geospatial Approach to Modeling West Nile Virus Risk in the United States, Sean Gregory Young
Study of Thermotolerance Mechanism in Gossypium Hirsutum Through Identification of Heat Stress Genes, Jin Zhang
Development of Novel Subunit Vaccine against H5N1 Influenza, Lu Zhang
Essays in Economic Growth and Development, Zhen Zhu
Does Emotion Invalidation Cause Emotion Dysregulation? Evidence from a Healthy Sample of College Students and Implications for the Development of Borderline Personality Disorder, Melissa Jean Zielinski
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Paradigms of Style: A Study of Zulfikar Ghose's Novels, Abu Ul Wafa Mansoor Ahmed Abbasi
Meta-Analysis of Wheat QTL Regions Associated with Heat and Drought Stress, Marlovi Andrea Acuna Galindo
Effects of Obesity on Thermoregulation and Cardiovascular Function During Exercise in Females, Jon David Adams
Essays on International Trade and Finance, Amat Adarov
Use of Ultra High Vacuum Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition for Graphene Fabrication, Shannen Adcock
Effects of Testing Time on Anaerobic Toxicity Assessment, Omolola Atinuke Akintomide
On The Maintenance Modeling and Optimization of Repairable Systems: Two Different Scenarios, Suzan Alaswad
The Journey Narrative: The Trope of Women's Mobility and Travel in Contemporary Arab Women's Literary Narratives, Banan Al-Daraiseh
Computer Modeling of the Influence of Structure Plan Areas on Tornado Forces, Nashmi Hassan M Alrasheedi
Recognizing Patterns in Transmitted Signals for Identification Purposes, Baha' A. Alsaify
Shark, Remembered: Stories, Benjamin Kaj Anderson-Bauer
Establishment Method and Cultural Practice Effects on Sports Turf, Josh Anderson
Orbital Periodicities Reflected in Ancient Surfaces of our Solar System and the Implications for a Record of Early Life, Dixie Lee Androes
Investigation of Negative Differential Resistance Phenomena in Quantum Well Heterostructures, Nazariy Andrushchak
"The Adding Machine": A Director's Notebook, Esteban Arévalo Ibáñez
Ultra-low Voltage Digital Circuits and Extreme Temperature Electronics Design, Aaron J. Arthurs
Characterization and Consumer Acceptance of White Striping in Broiler Breast Fillets, Vivek Ayamchirakkunnel Kuttappan
The Contradictory Nature of Natural Mothering: A Discursive Analysis, Britni Lee Ayers
Aptamer-based SPR Biosensor for Detection of Avian Influenza Virus, Hua Bai
Getting Connected...Again: a Phenomenological Study of Student Experiences of Transition Within a Shared Model of Academic Advising, Shane William Barker