This page collects the digitized full text Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations of the Department of History at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

The following broadly describes library holdings for UA theses and dissertations:

Category print online
Dissertations 1953-2006 in MAIN

1950s-2012 in Special Collections
1989 - present are full-text in ProQuest

2012 - present in ScholarWorks

1950s - present indexed in ProQuest
Master's theses 1910s-2006 in MAIN

1910s-2012 in Special Collections
2006 - present are full-text in ProQuest

2012 - present in ScholarWorks

Theses were not systematically indexed in ProQuest prior to 2006.


Theses/Dissertations from 2013


The History of Nusayris ('Alawis) in Ottoman Syria, 1831-1876, Ali Capar


Feet in the South, Eyes to the West: Fort Smith Enters the Sunbelt, Adam Morrison Carson


"And So We Moved Quietly": Southern Methodist University and Desegregation, 1950-1970, Scott A. Cashion


"Up Ewig Ungedeelt" or "A House Divided": Nationalism and Separatism in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Atlantic World, Niels Eichhorn


Perceptions of Poverty: The Evolution of German Attitudes towards Social Welfare from 1830 to World War I, Rebekah O'zell McMillan


A Tangled Hope: America, China, and Human Rights at the End of the Cold War, 1976-2000, Jared Michael Phillips


Woes of the Arkansas Internationalist: J. William Fulbright, the Middle East, and the Death of American Liberalism, Mitchell Smith


Cold War Battleground in Africa: American Foreign Policy and the Congo Crisis, January 1959 - January 1961, Souleyman Saleh Souleyman


Dammed Arkansas: Early Developments in How Arkansas Came to Be a Dammed State, 1836-1945, Mary Suter

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


A Family Affair: The Pre-Kansas Saga of James Henry Lane, James Robert Bird


Philosophical Influences in The Art of War found in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Nathaniel Ethan Clark


A Way Out: The History of the Outing Program from the Haskell Institute to the Phoenix Indian School, Alexandria L. Gough


"It Was Awful, But It Was Politics": Crittenden County and the Demise of African American Political Participation, Krista Michelle Jones


The Silent Arms Race: The Role of the Supercomputer During the Cold War, 1947-1963, David Warren Kirsch


English King and German Commoner: An Exploration of Sixteenth Century Clothing and Identity, Bradley Dale Moore


Capital Punishment In Oklahoma 1835-1966, Michael Owen Riley


Intimate Frontiers: Indians, French, and Africans in Colonial Mississippi Valley, Sonia Toudji

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


"The Africans Have Taken Arkansas": Political Activities of African-American Members of the Arkansas Legislature, 1868-73, Christopher Warren Branam


The Final Transfer of Power in India, 1937-1947: A Closer Look, Sidhartha Samanta


Islands and Swamps: A Comparison of the Japanese American Internment Experience in Hawaii and Arkansas, Caleb Kenji Watanabe


With Our Backs to the Wall' : Entente Grand Strategy in 1918, Saxton Sain Wyeth