"A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sugary Drink Regulation in New York City" by Shi-Ling Hsu


public health, obesity, regulations, Portion Cap Rule, diabetes, coronary heart disease, reduced health costs

Document Type



New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio spent much of his time during his successful 2013 campaign positioning himself as the populist candidate, pointedly contrasting himself with the outgoing mayor, billionaire Michael Bloomberg. There is one Bloomberg initiative, however, that de Blasio has committed to carry forward: the city-wide size restriction on sales of "sugary drinks," most commonly, carbonated sodas. On city public health issues such as the sugary drink policy, the populist de Blasio and the billionaire Bloomberg would appear to have much in common. "People are dying every day, this is not a joke," remarked Bloomberg in striking a populist tone in defense of his initiative.
