behavioral economics, self-control failure, psychology, economics, delayed rewards
Document Type
Despite documented short term success, dieting has a very low success rates, most dieters regain their weight back within 3-5 years. The question is why do people fail to stick to their goal for eating a healthy diet in order to lose weight? One possible answer is that people have self-control problems in the form of a present-biased preference. From a prior perspective, they want to behave relatively patiently, but as the moment of action approaches, they want to behave relatively impatiently. The essay presents some insights from behavioral economics to explain why people fail to maintain healthy behavior.
Recommended Citation
Heshmat, S. (2021). Obstacles to Dieting Behavior. Journal of Food Law & Policy, 8(1). Retrieved from
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Behavioral Economics Commons, Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms Commons, Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Commons