Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Degree Level





Gould, Kara

Committee Member/Reader

Shelton, Gina

Committee Member/Second Reader

Funkhouser, Eric

Committee Member/Third Reader

Davidson, Fiona


This study investigates consumer responses to a theoretical solution to many of the problems facing today's infospheres, including but not limited to echo chamber behaviors, misinformation, and polarization. The solution, conceptualized as the “Architecture of Serendipity,” proposes that media platforms tweak their existing algorithms to introduce a threshold of “serendipity,” or random and varied content in order to diminish the effects caused by the over-personalization of today's most relevant information systems (Sunstein, 2017). While there is a belief among certain academics that the architecture can prove to be incredibly impactful at diminishing these negative consequences, there is no commentary on how today's consumers would respond to the shift (Reviglio, 2019). Utilizing survey data gathered at a public university, this study concludes that most users would accept more serendipity within their infospheres, and some would even prefer it. These consumer aspirations are relevant as some begin to look to government agencies and media corporations to find solutions to stabilize today's infospheres to reduce polarization and aid in mass informedness.


Infosphere; Serendipity; Echo Chambers; Algorithms; Personalization
