Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Degree Level



Landscape Architecture


Laura Terry

Committee Member/Reader

Phoebe Lickwar

Committee Member/Second Reader

Kristin Musgnug


Painting as Data tells a story of the Arkansas Agricultural Research and Extension Center through painting as a way enrich site analysis, as well as discover and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data in landscape architecture. The thesis is composed of three central works that analyse the landscape over eight months through data driven and experiential lenses, including hydrology, geology, and ecology, and the people who cultivate the land with the help of modern machinery and engineered chemicals. These works include:

Field B4 - 7:00 AM Triptych

32” x1 44”, Acrylic on Panel

The study of time on the shifting landscape is crucial to understanding place. This experiential panorama examines field B4 of the Arkansas Agricultural Research and Extension Center over a calendar year. The interpretation of the landscape through acrylic paint, graphite, and pastels give dimension to the dramatic morning skies and the soybean and rye grass plots below.

7:00 AM Photo Log

6” x 80”, Accordion Book

When analysing the Arkansas Agricultural Research and Extension Center, dedicated repetition was needed to effectively show the evolution of the landscape through seasonal, agricultural, and ephemeral changes. A photo log was compiled from photographs taken each Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM from October 11, 2016- February 28, 2017. The three books can be read horizontally to view images from one individual week, or each book can be read vertically showing one location and its changes from one week to the next.

Agricultural Horizons

18” x 32”,12” x 16”, Acrylic on Panel with Laser Etching

Agricultural Horizons is comprised of 29 paintings studying the Arkansas Agricultural Research and Extension Center. Each painting seeks to enrich site analysis through experiential and data driven layers. Mapping the landscape in both a subjective and objective manner allows for exploration, discovery, and formulates a new form of data through the method of painting.
