University campus breastfeeding, knowledge, and perceptions of support: An exploratory study

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Breastfeeding, psychological attitudes, lactation, health economics, Infants


Breastfeeding is often considered principally a biological issue but success is impacted by the socio-ecological environment of the lactating parent. Identifying current attitudes towards breastfeeding is essential in the effort toward normalizing breastfeeding in communities, including university campuses. The study explored campus community knowledge, awareness, and attitudes about breastfeeding, including available resources and applicable laws on two university campuses in the southern United States. This cross-sectional, self-reporting study utilized the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale and an adaptation of the Breastfeeding Behavior Questionnaire to survey a convenience sample. Results revealed decreased awareness of protective laws, availability of private lactation space, and insufficient public appreciation of breastfeeding’s unique advantages to both lactating parent and infant as barriers to breastfeeding. These findings will help develop additional breastfeeding strategies to improve university campus community breastfeeding initiatives.


This article was published with support from the Open Access Publishing Fund administered through the University of Arkansas Libraries.

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