Date of Graduation
Document Type
Adverse childhood experiences; Pediatric; Parent perception
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Degree Level
Kippenbrock, Thomas
Committee Member
Shreve, Marilou
This manuscript explores the incidence and implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and outlines a project assessing parental perception of their own ACEs screening during their child’s wellness visit. ACEs are adversarial events occurring during childhood, which may be chronic or singular. Abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction result in negative outcomes, including compromised neurological development and cognitive behaviors, developmental delays, poor lifestyle choices, and reduced mental and physical health. Additionally, a growing body of literature supports the impaired parenting skills in those with a history of ACEs. This can perpetuate intergenerational trauma, deprived opportunities, and poor familial health. Despite the deleterious effects of ACEs, routine screening is not commonplace. Several barriers to this have been cited, including patient perception of the screening. The paper will outline the clinical inquiry project surveying parental perception of ACEs screening. This inquiry examined parents’ perception and their ACEs score through a collaborative effort between the clinic provider and project investigator. Through a relatively small sample size, the investigator found that most participants were comfortable being asked about ACEs by their child’s pediatric provider. Participants also agreed that the provider appeared comfortable asking about their ACEs and could help address problems associated with their ACEs. These results indicate further research addressing perceived barriers to ACEs surveillance is necessary and useful.
Stevens, K. (2021). Exploring Parent Perception of Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening in Pediatric Primary Care: A Clinical Inquiry Project. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing Capstone Projects. Retrieved from
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Family Practice Nursing Commons, Maternal, Child Health and Neonatal Nursing Commons, Patient Safety Commons, Pediatric Nursing Commons