Date of Graduation


Document Type



continuous glucose monitoring, type II diabetes mellitus, glycemic index, rehospitalizations

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Degree Level



Callie Bradley

Committee Member

Anna Jarrett


Purpose: This Program Development and Evaluation project was designed to improve the management of patients with type II diabetes mellitus through the implementation of a combined in-patient discharge protocol and outpatient continuous glucose monitoring protocol follow-up plan in a diabetes clinic following discharge from a rural-based acute facility hospitalization.

Method: This quasi-experimental project was based on Rosswurm and Larrabee's Model for Change framework. Outcome measures analyzed type II diabetes mellitus patients to assess the effects of a continuous glucose monitoring discharge protocol on pre- and post-glycemic levels, rehospitalizations, and patient (n=2) and provider knowledge (n=4) obtainment.

Results: In a comparison of average pre- and post-glycemic levels, the continuous glucose monitoring group revealed a 14% decrease compared to 4% among the non-continuous glucose monitoring group. There was a 7.3% reduction of rehospitalizations indicated from pre- and post-implementation in a sample size of two, with a rehospitalization rate of 5.5% in the study population. Based on pre- and post-survey Likert scale results, participants showed increased knowledge related to diabetic treatment, monitoring of blood glucose levels, and lifestyle measures in controlling type II diabetes mellitus. Healthcare provider participants showed increased knowledge of continuous glucose monitoring risk factors, benefits, and advantages.

Conclusion: Our findings support evidence for the use of continuous glucose monitoring in patients diagnosed with type II diabetes mellitus to improve clinical outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. This project is needed to support the more widespread use of continuous glucose monitoring, which can lead to reducing rehospitalizations, decreasing glycemic index, and improving overall patient satisfaction.
