Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Degree Level
Patton, Susan
Committee Member
Lee, Peggy
Second Committee Member
Henry, Leah J.
During the month of October 2013, approximately 450 registered nurses working at a hospital in Northwest Arkansas were surveyed. All registered nurses were included in the study and were given the survey with instructions to complete it and return it within 30 days. A modified version of the McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale by Tourangeau was utilized, evaluating factors as they related to job satisfaction such as control and responsibility, scheduling, professional opportunities, praise and recognition, balance of family and work, relationship with coworkers, salary/vacation/benefits, maternity leave/child care, care delivery, social contact, research opportunities, and decision making. These variables were all rated individually using the scale of seven factors. Ninety-three were returned, giving a response rate just over twenty percent, 20.67%. Of the 93 returned, 14 were incomplete, approximately 15.1%. After receiving the surveys, the data was entered into an excel spreadsheet. Demographics such as gender, employment status, were given numeric values. Analyses were completed using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 20. Demographics were analyzed along with factors affecting job satisfaction and factors affecting likelihood to remain at the hospital or in their current position. The only two statistically significant subscales included satisfaction with work conditions and supervisor support and satisfaction with collegial relationships and support. When grouped as likely or unlikely to remain working at the current hospital until retirement, 39 of the 80 RNs (49%) who responded to this item did not intend to stay until retirement. From these findings, the hospital will be able to improve retention strategies. The limitations of this study were that a better response rate would have been achieved had we been able to mail out the surveys and a reminder to return them after a certain amount of time, as well as the fact that the median age of those surveyed was 28 years, so it was unrealistic to ask if they planned on staying until retirement. Overall, a great deal can be taken away from this study and used to improve nursing turnover in this particular hospitals and in hospitals elsewhere.
McDowell, K. (2014). Nurses' Job Satisfaction in Northwest Arkansas. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from