Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Degree Level
Liu, Tingting
Committee Member
Murray, Lori
The purpose of this study was to collect and synthesize evidence from studies examining the relationship between yoga practice and reduction of blood pressure in individuals with hypertension. The PubMed and CINAHL databases were searched using limiters which included humans, English language, peer-reviewed journal articles, full text available, and time restraints from 2010-2020. Eight studies were selected for review. Following yoga intervention, the average decrease is systolic blood pressure among these studies was 4.91 mmHg, a 3.6 percent decrease from the baseline systolic blood pressure measurements conducted before the introduction of yoga. Diastolic blood pressure was also recorded and a decrease of 1.45 mmHg, a change of 1.7% from the baseline diastolic readings was noted. In five of the eight studies included in this review, decreases in both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were recorded following yoga. Considering these results, yoga appears to be an effective method of reducing blood pressure among hypertensive patients. Blood pressure control through yoga has implications in reducing patients needs for antihypertensive medications and the reduction of the practice of polypharmacy in patients.
blood pressure; hypertension; yoga
Marples, B. (2021). The Effects of Engaging in Yoga Practice on Reducing Blood Pressure. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing Undergraduate Honors Theses Retrieved from