Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





Scott, Allison

Committee Member

Henderson, Jaye

Second Committee Member

Shreve, Marilou


Skin-to-skin contact has many benefits to both a new mother and her infant after birth. Maintaining body warmth, better bonding for both mother and infant, and increased duration of breastfeeding are a few of the many benefits of this practice. Although skin-to-skin contact is a common practice at birth, it has been utilized almost exclusively in vaginal births. It has not been widely or routinely practiced when a baby is delivered by caesarean section. This study evaluated an educational program for operating room staff regarding the benefits of skin-to-skin contact and how best to implement this practice in the operating room. A chart review was done before and after the intervention to look for significant differences between pre and post education data. The variables under review included a comparison of overall skin-to-skin contact implementation, the amount of contact time between mother and baby, the physical location of contact, and what type of nurse implemented the contact. The benefits of beginning skin-to-skin contact early apply not only to the new mother and her infant in vaginal birth situations, but also to mothers and babies in C-section deliveries.
