Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Degree Level





Scott, Allison

Committee Member

Vowell-Johnson, Kelly

Second Committee Member

Shreve, Marilou



Background: Marshall Islanders are one of the fastest growing migrant populations in the US and Northwest Arkansas. Health disparities and maintenance of strong cultural values and norms may adversely affect the Marshallese participation in the health care system. Evidence shows that cultural competency training can improve the attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors of health professionals and has many positive impacts. The Clinical Cultural Competency Questionnaire (CCCQ) is a research-validated tool that can be used to measure perceived cultural competency through many subscale categories.

Objective: The purpose of this study is to implement a cultural awareness educational program and to examine the results of a pretest and posttest survey evaluating the cultural competency of nurses caring for Marshallese patients before and after an educational intervention.

Methods: Data collected in this quasi-experimental study was compared to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention with nurses in a Northwest Arkansas hospital who interact with Marshallese patients. Nurses completed the CCCQ-PRE, watched an educational video on Marshallese cultural concepts and how they relate to healthcare and then completed the CCCQ-POST.

Results: The results indicated that the nurses’ average score following the educational intervention was significantly higher than their average rating prior to the intervention. CCCQ subscale results also showed a significant increase in all but one category.

Conclusion: Ideally, this educational video will be able to be implemented at other hospitals and clinics in the Northwest Arkansas area in order to increase cultural competencies and better improve health care for Marshallese and other diverse populations.


Marshal Islands; Cultural Competency; Training
