Document Type


Publication Date


Series Title

Arkansas Education Report

Series Number

Volume 18, Issue 9


Gifted education; Challenging instruction; High student accomplishments; Students academic achievement; Giftedness


This study assesses the effectiveness of gifted programs in Arkansas by leveraging student-level achievement and demographic data of students who scored at or above the 95th percentile on state assessments in third grade. We follow five independent cohorts of these high-achieving students through eighth grade and examine the difference between the longer-term academic performance of the students that were exposed to gifted and talented services compared to similarly high achieving peers that were not identified as gifted. Using regression analyses controlling for student and district characteristics, we find that students who received gifted services demonstrated statistically significantly greater academic growth on mathematics and literacy achievement across the time period examined than similarly high achieving peers that were not identified as gifted. The study is among the few research studies conducted on gifted education programs across the state. We discuss these findings in the context of the gifted programming literature and conclude with policy suggestions.
