Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Degree Level



Political Science


Saeidi, Shirin

Committee Member

Phillips, Jared

Second Committee Member

Ryan, Jeffery

Third Committee Member

Reeber, Joy


This study examines how the modern “alt-right” converged with mainstream Conservative politics following the election of Donald Trump. It explores how in the 21st Century, as in the past, right-wing social movements use language to prompt violence from their adherents. While far-right information networks have existed for decades, this study explores the ways in which modern networks allow for a greater convergence between disparate movements on the right, creating a more unified information web and understanding of reality. This convergence contributes to extremist ideas gaining larger and more mainstream platforms, granting them a global reach and significant influence in domestic politics. Right-wing information networks’ ability to construct reality for their members suggests that in-network individuals feel a sense of identity and citizenship to their ideological communities that goes beyond a simple adherence to a political platform. Ready belief in conspiracy theories, acceptance of political violence, and rejection of democratic norms all indicate a sense of in-group loyalty and a depth of radicalization endemic to the current American right.


Ideologically motivated violent extremist (IMVE); Great Replacement; QAnon; Great Convergence; network segregation; collective consciousness
